Monday, October 10, 2005

Thanks for the comment Slish I'll be sure address it at the end of this post. I went out of town this weekend to MD to visit friends and family and had a great time. Spoke to that a-hole Slish on my way down, he's so damn interested in what's going on with me and Au Natural. Since he's gonna find out through Barney's anyway I am not going bother keeping him informed.

Like I was saying earlier MD was great. Friday I got twisted at happy hour and ended up falling asleep at 10pm until the following morning. Real great way to start a long weekend, get drunk way too early and fall asleep snoring on my mother's couch fully clothed.

The next day I spent time with my younger sister at her recently purchased condo in Baltimore. Real nice place, it's not in the stabbing, shoot 'em side of B-more. It's in a predominately Jewish neighborhood, with tree-lined streets, clean sidewalks, police presence and synagogues. 2 bedroom 2 baths with a stacked washer and dryer in the kitchen all for less then what I was paying in rent when I was in the Bronx(Riverdale). Just another reminder that I need to leave NY to have a better quality of life.

Fast forward to Saturday evening I meet up with my friends from the area, The Collector and Mr. Transporter. I've known them both since high school and we always have a good time when we get together. We travel down in D.C. to this club called LOVE. Mixed crowd that night with a lot of potential for some good mingling. Get inside and they are playing salsa/meringue on the lower level and hip-hop/r&b on the upper level. Get upstairs and immediately I am impressed. Good looking crowd and with cheap drinks I am sure to be rubbing up on "my girlfriend for the night". Get some cheap drinks in me and I am ready to go...."E'er body in the club gittin tipsy"..... but like the Geto Boyz my mind starts playing tricks on me, it seems that the girls that are willing to dance or even have a simple convo are really drunk white chicks or really big girls. The sisters ain't showing no LOVE to anybody, hell even the nachos, red dots and "me love you long times" are off in there own world. Collector and Transporter then inform me that we should have been here on Friday when the crowd is more receptive(i.e. the ladies are easy like Sunday morning). Thanks fellas, I was deep in the sauce Friday and in no way was gonna make down to the nation's capitol in one piece. Get home at 4am smelling like cigarette smoke and tipsy..... oh yeah by the way I promised my mother I would be in church that Sunday morning.

Sunday morning and I am feeling like crap but have just enough energy to get to service on time, which means we were 15 minutes late. There is a visiting pastor because my mother's church is in "transition" (they booted out the previous pastor for his inability to lead his flock). I will be the first to say that I am not a church going person but this guy did give a very good sermon. One of his messages was, and I am paraphrasing, "You need to say goodbye to what was in order to say hello to what will be". Anyway with that said I am going to be speaking with my manager this week about making a transfer to the North Carolina office and what that entails.

To be continued........

Almost forgot...Slish you little troll of man, I can expect you to adhere to the same rules of engagement when posting comments and you know what I am referring to.
You should ask Hot Mama about weak.


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