To the scorned and lonely woman that left the anonymous message and probably believes everything should be handed to her on a silver platter, 90 dollars was just for the games that were bowled it doesn't include other aspects of the evening like eating and drinking but hey thanks for the love and this current post subject.
Being that this is the year 2005 what is proper etiquette for a first date. Does the person who does the asking pay?, Do you go Dutch or does the man always pay. Why can't it be a Dutch event on the first time, not necessarily mandatory 50/50 but ladies if you truly like the guy and both of you are in a "getting to know you stage" why not subsidize some of the costs. If first impressions are some damn important then it should go both ways. I've listen to numerous women say that ".....I went out with this guy and he didn't do this and he didn't do that.....blah blah blah.....Mr. Venom I have come to expect to expect certain things done when I meet a man and if he doesn't do them the I don't want to be bothered".
On the first date !?! This guy knows you about as much as you know him. What if the guy were to say ".....You know we went here and we went there and if I don't get at least kiss goodnight after this then I am done with this broad...." a lot of you ladies would be pissed and call us men misogynist pigs.
The point is this there are certain things people do and don't do when meeting someone new. And spending money like it's going out of style shouldn't be one of them. Guess what? There are things out there people are trying to accomplish that requires them to actually maintain a budget. And if they go beyond that budget that they set for themselves, you may be affecting that persons future plans because you didn't eat where you wanted to eat or drink as much as you wanted to drink or whatever the case may be. Spending money doesn't always equate to how much a person likes you, don't get it twisted.
And on the final note, I was the one asked out and there were some things that the lady did pay for even though it was not 50/50 distribution.
I don't agree. If a brotha is interested in a woman he should pay. Believe me dog its comes back to ya. Your a broker you should know the more you invest the bigger the return...CHEAP ASS!!!!!
IT WASN'T ME on the 2nd Anon comment...!
OK, let me see...
*if I asked you out, I'd make sure that I had money in my pocket and I would have no roblem reaching for the check at the end of evening.
*If I notice your idea of going out turns to evenings in at your place watching movies and cuddling...more than likely, to be truthful, your gonna pay the next coupla times when we go out.
*It would leave a bad taste in my mouth if you were interested and asked me out then expected me to go dutch.
*If it's all in friendship and not in trying to build anything else...then dutch is fine.
*FINALLY, sometimes I pay regardless JUST so I don't have that over me because I feel like the date was a waste and whatever it takes for us to end the date and be gone.
Money is money and although we should have a budget...when it comes to things we want...we should indulge.
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