Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chapter Invisible

This past weekend a founding member of my fraternity alumni chapter passed away. Smack was turning 81 years young this year. He and his family have been our neighbors for over twenty years. During the wake my fraternity has a burial ceremony that we do for a Brother that passes on to Chapter Invisible. It's approximately 15 minutes long and it is nice and respectful.

Funerals remind me of my mortality. Death is powerful and scares the hell out of me. I think what scares me the most about it is what happens to your "soul" afterwards. When I die what will happen to my soul? Do I even have a soul?

I will be the first to admit that I do not go to church, nor do I wear a cross to symbolize my belief in Christ. When I do go to church 9 out 10 times it is for my mother because she asks me to come along. And I do have to admit that sometimes I like the message that is told. But isn't it basically all the same....."Be good to one another". I do not need to go to church to hear or learn that. I know some people do go to church to recharge themselves because they are in the struggle everyday and need to hear those words to lift themselves up and move forward. We all need in some way, shape or form need encouraging from time to time.

I think the reason why I do not go is because I don't "feel" what it is I am hearing. I've seen people cry out, shout out and damn near pass out through the words of the Bible. And this next statement I know I will catch hell for but...How do we know the Bible is even true"? And if the Bible is true does that mean the Koran or the Torah is false? Go tell a Muslim or Jew that their respectful religions is false and see what happens. I asked somebody that question and I couldn't get a clear response on what made the Bible true.

I was at a black tie affair recently sitting with a gentleman that is currently enrolled in a School of Divinity. He stated that some of the things they discuss will make you question whether there is really a God. This guy is in school and he is learning things that brings God into question, whch I find ironic.

I know my thoughts are all over this one but it was just something that has been sticking in my mind today.


At 1/18/2006 11:06 PM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Lol..This probably the only subject matter you and I have in common...

At 1/19/2006 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could go on and on about this...but I won't.
My thought is that each religion is made up of the same basic beliefs. They all put their own spin to it to suit the founders views/needs.

When it comes down to it...we don't know...
...and I believe that is the fear of dying...the unknown.
I am not afraid to die...I never have been. I suppose that is why I take some of the chances that I do. Or rather, that is why I LIVE when others would find reasons to be a spectator in life.

Where my body, my soul, my "being" is after I am no more? Well, I that shouldn't be what consumes my living days.

Comes down to...treat others as you would like them to treat you. Cherish and respect those you love and make a positive influence to everyone that you touch.

That, I am sure, is one of the main teachings of ALL religions, so you can't go wrong...


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