Wednesday, January 25, 2006

She Don't Know Shiznit pt. 2

Can someone please tell me why Red Kryptonite keeps calling me. I told her that we can no longer see each other and she thinks that I was just putting her on timeout for what she said to me previously. She must be lonely or hard-up or both. She called me today at work with the usual bullshit chatter and then starts to explain that I am being mean and nasty to her by not wanting to see her anymore. She also stated that if I cared I would see her because when she doesn't see me she feels sad.

I was a Psych major in school and even though I do not have a Masters or a PhD in the field I can safely say that she is C-R-A-Z-Y. Just my opinion. She keeps bringing up the picture of a girl that is in my phone. A really young girl named Rice Cracka (Asian/White). Rice is young enough to be my younger brother's girlfriend (21yrs old). Not answering my phone when she calls and calling her back when I chose to she feels that I am out doing dirty business.

This woman is certifiable she has no clue what to do in a relationship when the focus is not completely on her. If she is not talking about herself or an outfit she is wearing or something trivial she has nothing to say. It's one of the reasons that I no longer want to see her. Then I get a voice mail message later on in the day telling me that she does not feel special and blah blah blah. Do I need to mention again that she wanted to date other people anyway. I should just ignore her calls completely but I want to introduce her to Mr. Venom so she can really see what mean and nasty really. I'll try and not curse her out but I won't guarantee it. I got enough going through my head right now and I don't need her insecurities.


At 1/26/2006 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me, you haven't told her in the clearest possible way that your done with her. I hate people like knat at a BBQ...just bugging the hell outta you.
Do what you gotta do, say what you gotta say but just try to be need for Venom to go off on her silly ass!

...and what was that you were saying about risky behavior? Who? What??...and I don't have anything in my inbox Venom! *folding arms and rolling eyes....or is that stomping foot and poking out my lower lip?.....either way, you get my drift, son! (that NY slang for yo ass...LOL)*

At 1/26/2006 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1/26/2006 11:18 AM, Blogger Ms.Honey said...

Sounds like she wants control and since she found out she can't have it she's trying to play the "I'm not special" card.

Apparently coming out and telling her that you didn't want to see her anymore wasn't clear.....maybe adding the word ever should have been included LOL...yea she sounds like she's a lil "touched" and not in a good way.

At 1/27/2006 12:59 AM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Shit Venom. Kryptonite sounds like my kinda a gal crazy and self absorbed. Know here is the best way to really get rid of a women like that. Introduce her to

She only wants what she can't have.

Besides your not giving yourself enough credit. Your a good catch bruh. No kids, make good money, Know how to save that money, Polite when sober,Over 6 foot, no pot belly. Shiit if I was a chick i'd stalk you

At 4/28/2006 7:30 PM, Blogger Nika Laqui said...

*LMAO* @ Rice Cracka (Asian/White)

All you gotta do is tell me not to call you and I won't....the end..

She kinda looney...


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