Wednesday, February 08, 2006

And A Side Of Cornbred

In high school I guess I was considered sorta nerdy. I never was late or skipped a class. I was a regular on the Honor Roll I was not really into the latest fashions trends like 8-Ball Jackets because I felt, even back then, it was a waste of time for me to spend $300-400 on a jacket that I couldn't even wear the following year. I wasn't really teased much or bullied and I know I wasn't the cutest guy in school but I sure as hell I wasn't the ugliest. The girls that I liked never liked me "that way" I guess because I didn't play a sport nor was I a stand-out in anyway. The girls that did like me had unflattering rumors swirling about them. Anything from whorish activities to VD and no girl is going to admit to being a Hunts Point chemical toilet or lighting more shit on fire than an arsonist. Since my name isn't Magnum, Kojak or Ace Ventura I am not going to investigate a damn thing to find the truth. I can't forget that I had a chubby face the beginning of my senior year and was also shorter than alot of the guys in my class and was becoming a victim of pimples. All of which made me look like a freshman. This is also backed up by one of the girls that I liked that thought I actually was a freshman instead of a senior.

I think my saving grace is that I had some athletic ability, more than enough to play pick-up games with those that did play high school sports but I never tried out. That is probably what prevented me from being a total outcast that a the fact I was one of the few black kids that had his own car to drive to school. In high school having your own car to drive is almost an aphrodisiac no matter what kind of car you drive and when you get older it some instances it remains the same.

So what is the point of me writing all this? There is no point. I have nothing better to do at this moment. Just needed to write somethng down to get my mind off my job situation but I'll save that for another time.


At 2/11/2006 10:00 AM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Your right there was no reason to write the obvious NEEEEERD!!!!

LuckY I left that High School by the time you got there. Woulds hav set you up with every Ho that was attracted to you. Make you somebody's BABY DADDY!!!!


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