The Tin Man part IV
LJ builds up the courage to give me a call. I agreed to meet her at place to have a chat. We make very small chit-chat, asks me if I am hungry or wants something to drink (alcohol). She's drinking a glass of wine. She tells me that she went to the doctor and tells me that she is pregnant. At that point I turned 25/20 (25th and 20th letters of the alphabet) and went numb. She then proceeded to tell me about the internal struggles she was having telling me as well how it triggered tragic childhood memories that were repressed. Those memories I will not share with you but I can guarantee that they are in now way shape or form pretty.
Fits of laughter and tears she is going through a wide range of emotions. I am listening to everything she has to say but in my mind I am saying that she cannot have my baby. Not because I am not ready or because I do not think she will make a good, loving mother. It was in my own opinion that I don't know if she was mentally ready. She had lost a child previously and hadn't quite resolved her issues with losing that first child. This on top the "other" things that I heard that night confirmed it for me.
I am not the only one that agrees with this assessment. Slish felt the same way when he found out. I did not tell her to get an abortion. Not once did I say that she should get an abortion. I listened to her go back and forth on why she should and why she should not. Honestly the only words that came out of my mouth were "Whatever your decision is I'll support it". Back and forth, back and forth she then asks me "Will you think I am a terrible person if I get an abortion". I replied "No". She goes starts crying again and I hug her until she gets her composure. I offer to go with her but she refuses "stating that I don't need to go with her to make sure she goes through it".
The crying stops and she is now being overly affectionate and holding my hands. She has a look in her eyes like she wants to have sex and it is confirmed. I shun her advances and tell her we shouldn't do this. She asks why and I say that it's just not right. She then asks me the fatal question. "Don't you want me?" and my reply was "No". She lets go of my hands turns her back on me and tells me that she has some things to do and that I should leave. I gather my things and make my way out the door and down the stairs. LJ bursts out of her apartment and tells me" I'm sorry for everything and you don't have anything to worry about". This part is a blur she then told me something to the fact that she may not make it until the morning and the closes the door immediately afterwards.
I think about what she says to me and the conclusion I came to was that "LJ is gonna commit suicide !!!!!" I run downstairs to my car and call Miss Tiff because I am freaking out. She calms me down and tells me to call 911 which I do. I damn near get into an argument with the 911 operator about sending an ambulance because I couldn't confirm if LJ would commit suicide. In the end I told her that I would rather be wrong in calling the ambulance than wrong for not calling. I call Slish and let him know what's going on.
The ambulance and police come. I explain to the officer what went down. We go up to the door and I stay off to the side as instructed while they tell her to open up the to have a little chat. They talk to her and let her know that they have to take her to the hospital. I asked if I could accompany them to the hospital and the police said no. The officers I also told me that it's best that I leave since I may be the cause of her feelings. I leave and try to get some rest which becomes next to impossible. Some time passes and Slish tells me that LJ called to tell him that he (Slish) needs to stop meddling in her business and to stop telling her family her business, curses him out and hangs up. Why she told him this I can't remember but if Slish continues this story on my blog then you will find out. All I know was that I was mad at her because she felt we were trying to hurt her when all we were trying to do is help her. Fuckin' nut I prayed she doesn't try to call me after what I heard from Slish.
Months past and try to regain some normalcy in my life. Slish calls my number at work to tell me LJ has called him to apologize for her behavior and to let him know that she lost the baby. She intended to keep it and not say anything to me about it. I felt nothing after hearing the news. Not happy, not sad, not angry, nothing.
Did my past experiences with The Bitch and women after that make me truly heartless?
...i don't have a lot to say because i am not all that sympathetic to people that get pregnant and use abortions for birth control NOR am i all that sympathetic to men that feel like it's the womans responsibility to contact them and to have the weight of the decisions placed solely on her shoulders....
i just hope that you aren't so much of an ass NOW. i hope you've been tested. i hope whatever lesson was to be gleaned from this have learned.
as for no words for a chick i don't know, yet i can not take your side as whole-heartedly as i'd like....for the simple fact that there is ALWAYS two sides to every story. BUT, i'd agree that she is a little whacko
my bad.......forgot she didn't have an abortion....
this situ is real hard to give a comment i'mma REALLY leave it alone.
First of all I gots NO sympathy for this Broad...NONE, ZERO, ZILCH!! If she got some chemical imbalance then she needs medical attention for that and her family needs to be a part of that process. At the end of the day you have to consider your well being and peace of mind. You called the police which was the right thing to do...if you were heartless you would have just bounced and never looked back.
LJ, good riddens to your lunatic azz...adios, peace, one, etc. etc. etc. Venom, don't let this experience or "The Bitch" turn you out...that's what they want to happen, don't let them ruin you so you miss your queen when she arrives...LOL!! Use the force Son...use the force!!!
@the person whose anonymous blog name is too long(lol). Stop being a PUSSY and just say how you feel, I really want to know your thoughts.
@Royce. I used the force in my right leg to drive away quickly. I think she is seeking professional help now. I would have to ask Slish about that.
venom we all go through crazy situations. look at me. lol i'm just sayin just take every experience as a lesson and move on with no regrets. the burden of the regrets sometimes prevents us from moving forward.
Yep. Chick was/is crazy and the bitch (she don't deserve captial letters) well she was/is too. Trust, umm, when men act nuts women go into a I don't give a f*** I am gonna take care of me zone cause there ain't no us partna' please don't get it twisted. Holla back.
Ummm, hold up a sec, I just went off on a personal tangent.
Back to my opinion/advice. Anyway yeah, sometimes dealing with jerks make you an Ass and tougher on folks than you ought to be. So what? Crap happens and we have all over done it with someone who is a gnat to your swatter. Sooner or later you will run across some folks that will remind you that everyone ain't a mothersucker that you might have fun throwing around mentally etc. like a toy monkey. Some people are actually genuinely sweet, kind and considerate and I am sure you will act accordingly when they show up. Once they prove to you that they are/ain't a mothersucker that is. Until then, hell take care of you.
A'ight, I am out. On a personal note this is the same advice I follow myself, and share with friends. Best of luck finding the Right Grown Azz Woman, no BS allowed ;o)
Venom, I don't know all the history, but you did the right thing by calling for help. Heartless would have been to have sex with her & then just leave & care less if she committed suicide.
Hopefully she will get some help & resolve her issues.
@Everyone. I am hoping that Slish adds onto my story but because LJ has been making amends with him, he doesn't want to set her off. Last I heard she has a new man and he is part of the NYPD.
was that LJ at the party????
bet you didn't see THAT comin, huh?
@alli-babe. She was there?!?!?! I didn't even see her.
there's always 3 stories ur side, her side, and the truth. sorry it went down like that.
@Sweetness. You are correct there are three sides to a story, but it is a story told from my point of view so it will naturally be seen from my perspective.
This seems like one of those stories that would only truly be done justice with both sides of the story present. Maybe I'm missing something, but your side of the story doesn't give any reason why you SHOULD feel sympathy for chick...chemical imbalance or not. And I'm glad you called 911, even tho chick just sounds like she's desperate for your attention, rather than suicidal. I guess I gotta do some background research or something...but how the hell does Slish play such a prominent role in this shit? lol
@so wise. The other side of the story I doubt you will hear. I believe it would have to involve certain admissions of truth that people are not ready to share. This also stands true for other bloggers. I am surprised that the comments went in the direction that they did. I was sure they were not going to be in my favor since a baby was involved. I wrote what I was feeling and how it affected me. LJ is not pleased about it being posted but its MY blog and I went through the experience. Slish's role in this story would basically pick up from after the 911 call, when I called him.
Can we PLEASE move on....
I know you have some other more interesting stories....and a keep it lite please!
@alli. I know you don't want to change your opinion of me but I wanted to talk it. And yes I do have something interesting but it isn't light.
I know you trying to move on from this but something stricks me as odd about this story so hoping you can clarify.
Did you know for sure LJ was pregnant? I mean she said she was but she also had some psychotic tendancies that takes away from her credibility. Did you or Slish see something that said she was...and if she really was how do you know FOR CERTAIN that it was yours?
@royce d. I'll answer any question thrown my way as best as I can. Neither myself or Slish saw hardcore proof that she was pregnant. She took the EPT type test and she went to the doctor and told that she was. I have since forgotten how far along she was pregnant. By her attitude if she wasn't preganant then she should have taken the Oscar home not Halle. I took her word for it. In regards to whether it was or wasn't mine. Slish, in a round about way, questioned it but I didn't.
What really bothers me is that she was going to have this baby and not going to tell me about it, after telling the completely opposite. Like I was already a deadbeat Dad that didn't deserve the chance. I have my own personal feelings about her but if you REALLY know me then you know I don't shuck my responsibilties. And I would have done right by my kid. Her opinion obviously differed which is why she never told me that she changed her mine. I think that is a lack of respect.
I dunno...I'm wit Royce...too much of this is fuzzy and too hit or miss. I don't feel compelled to try to analyze's done and over with now...but I'm sure glad you made it past this!
Mr Venom all i here is your side of the story. I would love you hear LJ side of the story to see it through her eyes. And I think you're a punk come to think of it, you have all this stuff to say to the world and you never man up and say it to her why is that? Does she have a blog and is she writing about you?
@anonymous. Real "anonymous" person calling me a punk. If you wanna call me a punk because i don't want this particular girl to have my child because of her mental state. Fine. Let me ask you this. What would you would call a person who initially puts the responsibilty of telling someone she is preganant on someone else and then decides she is gonna have the baby and not say anything to the person that is the father of her child?
Of course it's my side of the story, it's my blog. You're not saying anything new. Anybody who blogs is telling things from their point of view. LJ can write whatever she wants to write to defend herself if she feels her character is in question.
Man that too bad things went down like that. Well as the saying goes "keep it moving."
Wow that is some messed up shit.
I think for her not to tell you that she was going to have the baby like you said is a lack of respect as she is not even giving you a chance but i am with royce did you know for sure she was pregnant after all no mom to be in early stages drinks anything alcoholic. That is crazy but then again she sounds like a bit of a BAD nut. It was definitely not heartless for you to call 911 that just shows that you have a heart and if you were heartless you wouldnt have gone to meet her again you would have told her to get to steppin so....
But like a couple peeps said there are 3 sides to every story but like you said this is your blog so it is your story.
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