Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Can't Believe There Is A Part Two

Yes a second part to " Another Cock In The Hen House". So I was on the phone today with Miss Tiff and she was discussing the issues she has been having with LM since I left NC this past weekend. He is apparently upset at Miss Tiff's behavior the last night I was there. As I stated in the previous post, Miss Tiff had ALOT to drink that day and was feeling........well......horny as shit. Now it should be known that she doesn't want a committed relationship at this time because of her recent divorce. Also let me remind you that LM was blowing up her phone since I arrived in town.

Here is where the information is new. It is based on a conversation that occured in the car while I was driving but not listening in. LM was upset at the way Miss Tiff was talking to him. To paraphrase she stated "LM, you need to come over and handle this!!!" Now what I just stated I did over hear what I didn't over hear was the back and forth going on between them. Pretty much by the end of the conversation LM had frustrated Miss Tiff. Miss Tiff then says and this is a quote " Fuck it, I don't need you to come over tonight anyway"! Whether or not she hung up the phone from point I don't know but the damage is already done.

After she told me this, even I winced but then I giggled my mutha fuckin ass off. First of all no man wants to hear, from a lady he is fucking, that there is another man out there who his lady genuinely loves, not in love with but loves. And that same man sure as shit doesn't want this out of town nigga coming in for the weekend while he is not around. And when Miss Tiff made that comment, I explained to her the first thought that would come to my mind as the man who is tapping that ass is "Fuck it, I don't need to come over tonight anyway BECAUSE I have warm dick in the house already there......NIGGA".

Tiff then proceeds to tell me that she understood that he was mad but she didn't understand why he still came over if he was so mad AND why the hell he had brunch with Tiff and my fifedom only to tell her that he was putting her on timeout for a couple of days. I told her that it didn't matter how mad he was he was not going to take a chance of you hooking up with me. Now I would not purposely push up on Miss Tiff however, I ain't no fool either. And I'll leave it at that.

So I gotta ask this question to both male and female bloggers out there your thoughts and opinions on what Miss Tiff said " Fuck it, I don't need you to come over tonight anyway" And LM actions thereafter. By the way he must have been over there within 30 minutes of us stepping through the door and quickly went to bed with my future ex. And playing devil's advocate, I mentioned to her that since she doesn't remember being sexed up maybe she called out someone else's name........mine. LMAOF


At 3/08/2006 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! in my opinion LM's days are numbered and he dont even realize it. if a chick tells u that she dont need u to come over while she is sittin next to a really, really, really good male friend. . .IT IS A WRAP FOR U!!!!! my man got the noose around his neck and all he has to do is take a step off the chair!

At 3/08/2006 9:14 AM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

Well put Fat Dave. Truth be told I am surprised LM lasted this long. Miss Tiff is gonna knock the chair out from under him and hang him by his ego.

At 3/08/2006 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's that ametuer reverse psychology junk...the jedi mind trick. If I was going to say it...I would already know to leave the door unlocked because he'd be coming over...FAST!
....as for warm dick already in the house...
Tiff had a win win situation regardless...depending on how far she wanted to take it.

We know what we say and what we do...it's all calculated...it's been tested and tried on other man... We always have choices because we set shit in place, doesn't mean we'll always use whats there but at least it IS there to choose from. It's called...RESERVE.
...and darling Venom...you've just been SET IN PLACE...for the JUST IN CASE.... LMBAO
*she's got you thinking...got you double blogging on the same subject....Tiff is good....

At 3/08/2006 11:12 AM, Blogger ChezNiki said...

I agree with Dunt over there. I think you have become (or may already have been) break-glass-in-case-of-emergency d*ck. Which is not unusual for women to do with their exes...not necessarily a bad thing.
LM got his panties in a bunch but Im not sure why. Its not like you live next door; you're at least two hours away on a plane. He is clearly insecure. I WISH some dude would put me on a "time out" when I was feening. Me and my c**chie would be on the next flight to LaGuardia...WHAT!?!?

At 3/08/2006 11:37 AM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@DDD & Chezniki. Double blogging is not new for me, the reason I put this in is because of new information that I learned the day after the first post on the subject and it was way too juicy to leave out. Miss Tiff was ready to open the door when LM came over. If I am to be the emergency break glass dick then all I can say is....."With great power cums even greater responsibilty". LOL

At 3/08/2006 12:44 PM, Blogger ChezNiki said...


At 3/08/2006 2:01 PM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Sounds like Ms Tiff. Needs to bring her ass to NYC and finish what she started.

Don't be scurred venom take the challenge. The Force is strong in you Luke Skywalker.

@ Dunt stop stealing my lines " Jedi Mind Trick"

At 3/08/2006 4:52 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@Everybody. You see how Slish can switch sides on me. 1st he'll say that if shit is thrown in my face that I won't do anything with it as it pertains to Sidepiece and now he is saying the force is strong in me with Tiff. Negro make up your mind !!!!!!

At 3/08/2006 5:40 PM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Oh stop wining an finish the job MAN!!!!! OBI WON has spoken...

At 3/08/2006 7:49 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@Slish. Please please please will you go and suck a fat baby's dick. I am tired of your chatter.n

At 3/09/2006 10:21 AM, Blogger Ms.Honey said...

The fact that he annoyed her when she was drunk (and women tend to be horny and frustrated when they drink) allows me to believe that yes..his days are numbered...we remember at least I do, who gets on my nerves when I've told them to come over and handle it and even if I saw don't come over now and they still do it won't be as good as it could have been cause I'm still annoyed..so he bout to be cut

At 3/09/2006 12:11 PM, Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

Ok...she was drunk right? Ok, then she was DRUNK!

For that reason I wouldn't say that anything conclusive can be drawn except...that she and LM are both starved for attention. He was a whiny bitch trying to figure out your position in her life. And she basically said what she said to play on his insecurity and to grab his attention...and guess what? It worked.

She's a woman of her word, it appears. She's got her leash game tight for when she gets the divorce monkey off her back. (PS - He'll be out like last week's trash, and yes, I fear you might be the Glass Case Dude)

You really believe she doesn't remember if they banged it out? She's good.

At 3/09/2006 3:54 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@so wise sista. She was so drunk she cannot even remember the ride home. Miss Tiff admitted that she was in and out of clarity numerous times. She has told me before whether or not she was "handled" properly so I seriously doubt that she would lie about it now, it would be truly pointless. She had atleast 12 drinks throughout a 12hr. period. 3 or 4 were shots and the rest was heavy handed mixde drinks. She is a small woman and she cannot easily drink someone under the table. If you could enlightened me on a different reasons why she would fib about getting banged like a screen door in a hurricane, let me know.

At 3/09/2006 4:02 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@ so wise sista. Also let me add that she knows she had gotten some because she felt the "tenderness" in the morning. She cannot remember the "experience" of it. Whether or not it was good and so forth. I was with a woman who was so drunk one time that she couldn't remember if she came or not. Woman lie about cummin, they lie about not cummin but who in the world would lie about not remembering if they cum or not.

At 3/13/2006 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so enlightening reading about my escapades...Im so glad you all don't know my ass :)

Anyway...nope..don't remember a thing...or rather I don't remember THAT.. oh well...I hope a nigga knocked it out...and for the record...LM is still in the running for now...I did address the excessive calling, but of course he had to deny all of that, saying I call you every day..yeah, that is true but not 5 or 6 times..about absolutely nothing...no response..

And finally...no Venom cannot be my just in case dick...He's too special to me...

At 3/13/2006 2:25 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@Miss Tiss "And finally...no Venom cannot be my just in case dick...He's too special to me..."

Dammit man if I didn't have bad luck I would have no luck at all


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