Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tell Me Something Good

So it's Thursday July 20th and Dr. Feelgood is in town (Brooklyn) as a bridesmaid in her cousin's wedding.

This is the first time that I see her in NY so ofcourse I am going to make the effort to be where she is at. Friday comes and I am ready to leave and see Feelgood. But first I make a pit stop to Dewey's to catch Roxanne, Roxanne and her friends for a sexy single mixer/networking function.

I bring along Shabba and Cutty with me from the job to join the festivities. At least half the women are attached to somebody and the only girl that is showing any rhythm is a thick tongue chick with tattoo in her titty that looks like a strawberry. So the crew has this girl surrounded like a bunch of great whites with blood in the water and Slish's cousin , Baby D, and her crew are taking bets on who is going to get her number. I can't say that I won but Strawberry does have my number.

The night at Dewey's ends, Roxanne and the Juice Crew are heading to the 40/40 club and I get the call that I am waiting for from Feelgood. She is in Queens and just got her hair finished for the wedding on Saturday and is ready to go out. I check the Di-Lithium crystals in my starship and go Warp 5 to her hotel. The plan for the night, is a spot in the Village on 199 Bowery. It is a rare occasion that I am dressed appropriately and Feelgood is making me look good. So we entered the spot along with the Carib crew she rolls with and choose the VIP section. Pretty much we were comp the cover as long as we bought a bottle.

After making nice with the waitress we got our drinks and our dance on. I am already lit from Dewey's and adding this champagne to the mix has me skating like Lupe Fiasco. Reggae hits the speakers and Feelgood and Venom hit the floor. Things are good and I am definitely enjoying the company. We finally leave at 3am and we get back to her room by 4.

I am crazy tired so while Feelgood gets ready for bed I doze off and awake to Feelgood next to me. I get up and do my business in the bathroom and climb back into bed. Things after that sped up to a point where, well let's just say that it gave us both something to think about in future encounters.

I'll put it to you this way, if you red the last story about Feelgood you know that I had to think about something to keep my imagination in check. There was no need for that this time around


At 7/24/2006 8:58 AM, Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

You Fuck-her! LOL

Glad you had fun.

At 7/24/2006 4:55 PM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Blah!!! Ya know nerd boy didn't fuck her...Herb probably rubbed a nipple and came all over himself. Yeah thats somthing to think

At 7/25/2006 7:46 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@Blah, Slish & RM. I am holding back for the same reason I didn't speak about a woman I was dating and didn't mention in the blog. I wanna see where this goes and how it will turn out before I start writing about it.

At 7/28/2006 6:03 AM, Blogger *snake*bite* said...

It's nice that you are holding back SOME info as it shows that you do want something to happen and you care about her feelings and the situation. HOWEVER...
You can't let half the cat out of the bag and hide its back legs!!

At 7/30/2006 12:30 PM, Blogger Mr.Venom said...

@Snakebite. Well I am trying something out here and I want to see if it will work out, so that's really the reason why I am holding back some info.

At 7/31/2006 9:01 PM, Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

So she rocked you mic? I mean I hope she at least did that...or you did a sound check on her...all this laying up without getting busy is irritating...LOL!! Frustrating to say the least...

At 8/03/2006 3:55 AM, Blogger EqualOpportunityCrush said...

lol.. well yeah, I'm hoping that something more than a little heavy petting happened.. but i guess all we can do is sit back and stay tuned.. good to see you're still around and kickin'

At 8/30/2006 4:15 PM, Blogger ChezNiki said...

Hey! Where are you?!?!

Im coming home this weekend. Let me know what free parties are happening! Especially ones with hot men... LOL!

And Good Luck with the Dr. (Now that I know she's not my AKA cousin from Delaware, I give my blessing!)

At 11/03/2006 5:17 PM, Blogger Paula D. said...

Where are you man?????


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