Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It is now official.....

I was told that one day my mouth was gonna get me in some kind of trouble, it did. Since my man Slish gave you a breif synopsis of my saga I will try to go into detail the best that I can.

On the phone with Au Natural and we are talking about the upcoming weekend. She is steady pounding me in the head (no pun intended) about sexing her up and spemding the night during the week. Now if I didn't mention she lives in Brooklyn and if anybody out there knows there is no quick way to Brooklyn. I live approximately 25 miles away from her and it takes me 45 minutes to 1 hour on a good day. I had a bad day and I swear it took me two hours to get home.

Well she wants me to spend the night there during the week and leave for work in the morning. I work in Manhattan which is really no big deal however she works late and stays up late. I wake up at 5:30am in the morning and go to bed early (10:30-11pm). Where I live is quiet, where she lives you need ear plugs to get a decent nights sleep. She has a full size bed, I have a queen size bed. The point I am trying to make is that I am more comfortable where I live versus where she lives which is why I do not stay over there during the week.

Okay back to our conversation, I told her that I decided to come over to break her off. But I made sure to say that I WILL NOT be staying the night. Though she did not like the circumstances, she agreed because she was horny. This is where I error, I proceed to continously tell her about not staying the night and do not continously ask me because it annoys the hell out of me. I go into the reasons why I do not come over during the week and why I do not get a good night's sleep. I then tell her that coming over is like a chore. Immediate silence follows. She tells me "Venom do not have to worry about ever spending the night again", I tell her "fine". She tells me "Venom I am pissed and will be in touch", I say "Okay" and the phone call ends.

Next morning I call her to apologize for the comment, she is still pissed and through with me. Slish, as always, is there to giggle is ass off.

Am I truly sorry about what I said....."Yes". Did I lose a nights sleep over what I said......"No". Will I call her again...."No". Do I care what her personal opinion is of me because of what I said?........"No". Now what's my mutha fuggin' name.......MR. VENOM.


At 11/24/2005 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like a muthafuggin' man!

Did I lose a nights sleep over what I said......"No".
Will I call her again...."Probably" .
Do I care what her personal opinion is of me because of what I said?........ "Yes" (otherwise you wouldn't have apologized).
Now what's my mutha fuggin' name.......MR. VENON the IDIOT.

You know I love you like a splinter in my ass....but your grown enough to know that you can't just be spoutin' off at the mouth...even if you supposedly don't like her all that much to begin with (which you do!) If it wasn't all that...why are you taking your happy ass all the way to Brooklyn to begin with...when there is prime grade-A ass in Westchester, the Bronx and HARLEM?

She'll come around and end up calling you....if the dick was any good that

At 11/24/2005 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11/24/2005 5:05 PM, Blogger Mr.Slish said...

No need for me to

At 11/25/2005 2:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... you just do you... I would have been more upset with the 1st comment...I believe you pretty much said you were just coming over to hit it (LOL) and taking your happy a is what it you've said before how long it takes to get over there...yada, yada, you have to be coy if an arrangement is in effect?!?!? Whatever, she will be ok..if not...on to lucky # (I'll leave the number blank) :)


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